Alec Baldwin’s support for Michael Vick has us perplexed. Animal activist Alec blogged to The Huffington Post that he feels that because Vick is a public figure, he’s being judged by more rigorous standards than other people who abuse animals. Alec claims the owners of meatpacking plants and directors of medical research on animals aren’t as harshly judged because they are out of sight. Baldwin feels that Michael Vick deserves another chance to prove he is a changed man. We take offense to the notion that meat packers and medical researchers can be COMPARED to a bloodthirsty monster like Vick who deliberately tortured and killed domesticated PETS for his own twisted amusement. Some things are not so easy to forgive. Sorry Alec, you struck out on this one.



  1. i don’t think Vick should be let off the hook so easily, but i agree with Baldwin.

  2. Alec Baldwin is way out of line comparing what Michael Vick did to what goes on in labs, etc. Vick is a twisted murderer who got off easy. Shame on Baldwin.

  3. Who should take Alec Baldwin’s advice about anything. Vick is a monster, basically unrepentant, and he should do at least 3 years hard time. He should also participate in the jail plan whereby prisoners train and take care of dogs. Then maybe he will be ashamed at what he did to our innocent friends.

  4. Judging by his picture, Alec Baldwin should be going to bat for jenny craig.

  5. Alec Baldwin is a moron. Who cares what he thinks?

    What does he care about animals? He called his young daughter a dirty pig.

    Be gone, Alec!

    Also – just to add – he said of George Bush was re-elected, he’d move to Canada. Didn’t happen. Couldn’t make the money there.

    He’s full of c$ap. What an idiot.

  6. Yeah, get a load of that fat gut and fat calves. A female actress would be drummed out of Hollywood.

  7. i am open minded enough to intelligently think about this one. this is a hypocritical world. animals are animals. just because they were pets means his crime is worse? it is very “speciesist” of us. our ability to put certain animals on a higher level of concern is comparable to racism,sexism,homophobia. take a moment to think about what is said people and reflect!!!

  8. Vick was NOT let off the hook.He served a prison sentence, lost millions of dollars and the esteem he was once held in by his fans and peers alike.
    And it ain’t over for Vick, he will have to complete hundreds of hours of volunteer work in animal shelters.
    You don’t have to forgive Vick for what he did to those poor dogs but don’t say he was let off the hook because it is not true.

  9. Michael Vick will destroy any football team he joins. The fans won’t accept him, nor should they. Alec Baldwin is a fat pig who’s opinion is irrelevant. He should stick to making crappy TV shows and the occasional guest appearance in a movie. Never liked him, never will.

  10. I don’t watch Baldwin in anything. And Vick should be strangled, burned and mutilated!

    PS why is it that Hollywood will accept a fat pig overstuffed asshole like Alec and Run Kirstie Ally off the lanet for what looks to me about the same size issue? Double standard anyone?

  11. Everybody is bent out of shape about michael vick. Stallworh ran a guy down, killed him. Then blew a .14. He received a whole 30 days in jail plus house arrest. Within a month of his release, Stallworths lawyer went and got the house arrest reduced. I hear no outrage.

  12. Sorry but Alec Baldwin is wrong. Of COURSE Michael Vick is being “held up to higher standards”. Being a rich, famous celebrity that people look up to is a privilage. Vick was “above” the law and felt entitled to use his wealth and status to bring reprehensible harm to innocent animals. He did very brutal things to them and planned for their suffering. I have NO sympathy for a man who was given EVERYTHING but a heart and common sense. If he didn’t want to stand out then he should have kept his nose clean. I to this day do not believe Vick is sorry. He is only “sorry” he got caught.

  13. YEP, this is another american fat piece of SHIT, folks!!

  14. I hope Vick’s career is totally over and the only job he can get is at a kennel cleaning up dog poo. And, I hope several bite him on the ass as he is working.

    What he did is just one step away from abusing a girlfriend/wife, or anyone who makes him mad. He is scum.

    As to Alec: I hope the only job he can get is a well-needed one: being spokesperson for Jenny Craig. He is a fat-ass loser.

  15. Are you sure that’s Alec? Looks more like his brother Daniel.

  16. PETA didnt go after sarah palin for her moose hunting. is PETA more afraid of republicans than they are of black people? they guy did jail time. get over it or lets just kill him, would that make you people happy?

  17. IMO, Yes Vick is being made an example of – as he should be, and he should continue to be emotionally tortured and negatively impact his public life. Second chance, let him earn it way down the line. Much to prove and way too early to let off. Personally, I hope he sits on the Philly bench for the rest of his career. Never hitting that field is going to hurt him more than anything. As long as a portion of his funds continue to support agencies like the Humane Society, ASPCA, PETA – Hell, they need the $$$ – let him pay it as court ruled.

    However – to Janet’s comment, I DO agree with Baldwin. The medical field and meat packing industry do horrible, unmentionable – MEANINGFUL – abusive things to animals – also for a profit. Janet you should take the time to see – just alone – some of the pictures and videos of animal testing done by cosmetic companies. After doing so, no doubt you will slightly change your mind about Mr. Baldwin’s comment.

  18. Reta’s comment is typical, hate filled and violent even as you oppose Micheal Vicks actions as inhumane, you expose yourself as no better than he is.

  19. Michael Vick has served his time and paid his debt to society. How much more must loose to satisfy you people?

  20. Vick was a public figure, a role model to kids, paid gazillions to play ball. Many young people looked up to him. He lived on a pedestal by his own choosing, and this is why the punishment he received was appropriate to the persona he was representing.

    And as far as Alec… he is irrelevant boring has-been who can only get into papers by saying something controversial. Let’s get real… he so reminds me of that Ryan o’Neil neanderthal. Same motives, same style.

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