
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Here’s something to cross OFF your Christmas list: That new book “Brangelina: The Untold Story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie” by Ian Halperin, who also considers himself an expert on Michael Jackson. Apparently Halperin read every magazine cover story about Brad and Angelina “breaking up” and turned it into a book. None of the material seems to be original and very little seems to be accurate. Halperin doesn’t know the real story behind Brad and Jennifer Aniston’s split, so it’s improbable that he got much else right. Halperin insists that Angelina is tired of Brad’s pot smoking and Brad is turned off by Angelina’s temper, and the relationship is about to implode. We predict Brad and Angelina will prove him wrong.



  1. When I see that couple, I think how lucky Jennifer Aniston is to be rid of Pitt – their “good looks” are more in the red-neck than patrician realm. Puffy lips, beady eyes, and overly-pronounced jawlines. Too much, too too much. Jen should find herself a blue-blood banker, and forget Hollywood – she has too much class.

  2. I couldn’t care less about the couple in question. I refuse to see anything they are in, and last I DID look, I don’t think much of her acting anyway. I’m not missing much!

  3. When the public quits painting Jennifer as an angel, they’ll realize she’s a very unpleasant woman…at least Angelina is hot..well if she gained a few pounds, she’d be hot.

  4. I would adore to see Angelina get knocked off her pedestal but this ain’t the book to do it, sadly. Ian Halperin is a total hack who was once cornered by Nancy Grace and she got him to admit he’d only even met Michael Jackson once and it was for a fast two minutes, yet he wrote a book purporting to be an expert. Same thing here. Some of the things he wrote weren’t even accurate at all like when he said Angie got all pissed off at Brad on some movie set. The thing is, they didn’t even know each other when he was filming that movie and never met until 2 years later. The other thing about Halperin is the way he looks which screams “Don’t take me seriously”. Dark glasses with thick white rims and pink lenses (PINK LENSES!), tons of gold joo-ree, and he speaks like a refugee from The Sopranos. Joke City.

  5. Please tell us, Janet, what is the real story behind Brad and Jen split? I think Brad had already left her emotionally, and then after physically leaving her, he flew into Angie’s arms. He did fall in love with Angie while filming MAMS, whether or not JEn wants to believe that. Jen has constructed a little facade about the fiasco and gets upsets when someone intrudes on it; i.e., offers up the real story.

  6. Every fiber and pore of their beings just oozes this thought: Damn, I am the most gorgeous sought-after human being on this planet. It is so great to be ME.

  7. Can’t wait to read this book !!! Mr. Ian Halperin is one of the most believable authors when it comes to these biographies. His research is scrupulous. Listen, if he were spouting lies, he would be sued until he was penniless.
    Same goes for his book Unmasked about Michael Jackson. He says Jackson was never a child molester, and that was what he thought he would find out. His books are honest and well written. Can’t wait to read Brangelina !!Heard him yesterday on Howard Stern and it sounds fascinating.

  8. One would think that, with all of her money, Angelina would have a better haircolorist.

  9. Angelina is too skinny that from a certain angle, she looked so masculine.

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