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Eddie Murphy will be paying Spice Girl Melanie Brown over $40,000 a month for child support for their daughter Angel until she turns 18. You will recall that Eddie and Mel had dated a short time when she announced she was pregnant with his child. Eddie was outraged and felt cheated and manipulated- he demanded a DNA test. The baby proved to be his and they’ve been fighting over money ever since. Eddie and Mel are equally unsympathetic characters. Maybe she did trap him, but he COULD have used a condom. Certainly Mel’s unemployed husband Stephen “Belafonte” will be delighted with this news.



  1. Stephen Belafonte will spend the newly found money and more every month. Its a shame to see pathetic, do-nothing criminal grifters have their idle lives supported like this.

  2. while i don’t have any sympathy for him as he should have used protection and not believed that that whore was on the pill, $40k a month is quite excessive.

  3. He DID use a condom. SHE emptied it into herself when he wasn’t paying attention. Many times! Very lucky chick. Men are sooooo stupid.

  4. This disgusting con-woman Mel B was kicked out of the UK folks!!!

  5. If he’s stupid enough to have unprotected sex, he gets what he deserves. What a fool.

  6. That’s an awful lot of toddler clothes and toys per month! Any time you have sex, you take the chance of a pregnancy resulting from it, whether protection is used or not. The only guaranteed birth control is abstinence. If he wasn’t willing to “pay” (literally) the consequences, he should have kept it in his pants. Loser.

  7. They actually made a really nice couple. She’s probably more interesting and fun than all the other women he’s been with. Their kid is too cute.

  8. 50K, is that all? That’s probably nothing to him. He probably spends more on transvestites every month.

  9. This will pay the fool she conned into marrying her enough to gamble away his free time and stay out of trouble.

  10. It’s a shame how women use babies in their scams to get rich, the poor child will probably be ignored from here on.

  11. His fault all the way. If he was going to screw around, he should have had a vasectomy. He likes the girls…and they like him. Why wouldn’t they? The guy is a scream…but take it easy, man, and take care not to get taken.

  12. There’s no such thing as “trapping” a man with a pregnancy. If a man doesn’t want a child, he should have a vasectomy. Or he could keep it in his pants. No sympathy. He had a choice, and he made it, and now he’s paying for it. He can afford it, and his trannies on the side, too.

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