It seems like Corey Feldman, 44, has been talking about the unnamed pedophiles he encountered as a child actor for YEARS. Recently he announced that he’s trying to raise ten million dollars to make a movie about his childhood as an actor and victim and promises to name those names. How crazy is THAT? Hasn’t he noticed that people are naming names all over the place these days and they’re not asking for ten million dollars? He should have named names and led the pack instead being coy and holding out. Now it’s too late – Corey Haim’s mother thinks he’s pulling a fast one because he needs the money, and we agree…

(Above, Corey and his wife Courtney Anne Mitchell, 28, at Tao)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI



  1. What a nasty person you must be to further victimize and chastise a victim of pedophilia. Perhaps he isn’t handling things the way you would, but that doesn’t make him crazy.

    You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself.

  2. I believe Feldman was a victim of molestation as a kid. I believe there was more than one or two. I have a feeling that he and Haim were on the menu for a lot of Hollywood perverts.

    I suspect that Feldman is seriously mentally ill and a scam artist. I think he feels that he deserves the money after what he went through with all the perverts.

    I also think that Feldman likes guys and not women romantically. He is all a show. He has no idea who is.

    I find it more than a little bizarre that Feldman likes to impersonate Michael Jackson (The dyed black hair is horrid !!!) and Hugh Hefner (he pays these girls to pretend to be his “girlfriends”).

  3. I think is true height is around 5′ 3″…..I think he adds to inches on to it with lifts but he is very tiny.

    Back when Corey Haim was living, Feldman treated him shabby and acted like he was better than him. Haim was just as talented as Feldman if not more. Lord knows, Haim was the cuter of the two.

  4. Was Corey Feldman raped in the a$$ as a child by a pedophile numerous times…my guess is a resounding yes.. Is he screwed up because of it…Dah what do YOU think.? Don’t judge to harshly my dear I know this is an industry which is your bread and butter but seriously, don’t you see what your dealing with? Leave I’m alone, I think Corey is doing what he’s doing in the best way he knows how. FYI AMERICA HATES HOLLYWOOD> but we also know you don’t get it.

  5. Of course it’s about the money. It’s ALWAYS about the money in this cancerous, materialistic nightmare that we’ve all watched grow around us.

    And Hollywood is “ground zero.”

    Just a few days ago, Corey Haim’s mother was proclaiming that Feldman’s story was a lie. Now, in the wake of CHARLIE SHEEN being named, she says “it wasn’t him.” With the obvious implication that someone had, in fact, raped her son. So, who paid off mom–to “adjust” her story?

    It seems everyone has a price.

    Feldman is indeed a “Lost Boy.” But he’s certainly here to tell the tale. Hollywood, which places a premium on survival, should, at the least, give him some credit for that.

    (Tuesday’s Apparent Monster of the Day: TOM SIZEMORE.)

  6. I’m sure it all did happen to Cory but he has been going to name names for decades, you get a song and dance from him every few years, someone obviously pays him off and then he goes quite for a while until he runs out of money again and it’s ‘I’m gonna name names’ again. As for the mother, there have been stories for years that both she and Hiam’s mother were also being paid off so she has an incentive to make Feldman out to be a nutter to keep her cash cow rolling.

  7. I believe Haim’s mother is just trying to protect her son.

    I can’t stand Feldman but I do believe that Sheen messed with under aged Haim. So sad.

    Feldman is mentally messed up. I think the molesters broke him and it ruined his mind.

  8. 2017 & you nailed it. This little maggot named no one his pedophile best friend already threw out there to deflect his own guilt/crime of Molesting Corey Haim.
    That sentence alone should be enough to shut Feldman down yet he moonwalks on, rhinestone glove out demanding $20 for a crowdfunded documentary that he didn’t pay to make. Crying that people are sharing it. Crying that 4 million people saw it for Free. (He’s shed many more tears about this than Corey Haim’s molestation or Death. The dumbest thing about Feldman & his fans is his unchecked inconsistencies. If you ask him it’s never been about the money it’s about getting a message across. Reaching people etc. Well, THANKS to the people sharing free links, his lie riddled doc has reached 4 MILLION people who never would have paid to hear his little fabricated Rape story. He says these people are trying to silence him by sharing his doc for free. THEY’RE SHARING HIS WORD, once again 4 million people who NEVER would’ve paid him heard his voice/lies.
    The man’s a joke & if you support him you are a broken moron.

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