Okay, we just love stories about actors with lifts in their shoes. Tom Cruise wore his custom (and highly suspicious) black boots to the Super 8 premier, but he should watch out whom he stands next to. Elle Fanning appears taller than Tom and she’s only 13! Of course she’s wearing platforms, and we’re not certain just how many inches Tom adds with his boots, but if he’d kept a distance from Elle, this speculation wouldn’t have happened at all.



  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahyahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  2. All I know is the tiny little f**ker is shorter than his ex-wife and his present wife. The only one I can remember that maybe would have been the same height as him was Penelope Cruz. It may have happened too if she had not been so wise in telling him to buzz off about his Scientology crap….and we all know how that relationship ended, and fast. lol

  3. I wasn’t aware that it was crime to be vertically challenged, but okay. Slow news day I suppose.

  4. Oh yeah, and he was also shorter than his very first wife, Mimi Rogers who, BTW, introduced him to Scientology.

  5. He’s living proof that how one looks matters less in movies than how well one photographs.

    And he has never failed to look great on the big screen. Redford is another surprisingly diminutive—but perfectly proportioned—leading man.

  6. I’m not a fan of Tom Cruise but REALLY Janet?? My 13 year old is TALL and from what I see on the pic is that girl is also TALL for her age…. HELLOOOO! STupid!

  7. Little Elle has reached her full height (Girls reach their completed height by 13 and boys by 19). I am guessing she is around 5 ft five inches in her stocking feet. I’d venture to guess that Cruise is the same height or possibly an inch higher but no more than that.

    I’m not a fan of Cruise because he lives and breathes the cult. However, I agree with Chicagoland that he certainly photographs well and projects well on screen.

  8. ps) According to IMDB, Elle is five feet six inches & Tom Cruise is five feet seven inches.

  9. yes, that dress is killer fantastic!! But the ONLY way I’d believe Tom is 5’7″ (my height) is if I measured him myself and I’m really not interested in doing that in any way!

  10. Reta, I wouldn’t want to measure him either. I would say he or his agent has probably added an inch or two so his fans don’t think he is too short.

  11. yep, AND WE EVEN DIDN’T DISCUSS HIS “Mental Hight”, folks!!

  12. It always cracks me up when someone who doesn’t like Janet’s take on a story says “it must have been a slow news day.” Gimme a break! None of these posts are particularly newsworthy. But they offer a nice respite from reality into the frequently superficial life of celebrities. And since I share Janet’s disdain for All Things Scientology-Related, I loved this item.

  13. I have to agree with Chicagoland as well. Let’s face it, however you feel about Scientology, this guy is a movie star. I watched Knight and Day the other night, and I enjoyed the movie. He was cute, charming and funny. Probably why Scientology loves him front and center. He draws people in.

  14. Yes, we know Tom is short, but it sure hasn’t stopped him from being a very successful actor. And girls are growing taller these days and wearing platform shoes with very high heels. Evidently it doesn’t bother Tom when his wife wears high heels either.

  15. This girl should’ve taken the time to have a pedicure! Nasty feet!

  16. I remember when he was with Nicole and they were “on the red carpet” over and over and she was always elegant and wearing heels and towering over him. He didn’t seem to mind at all, and he doesn’t seem to mind Katie being taller than he is either.

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