Photo Credit: Splash News

Summer’s here! Time to stock up on toys for the pool. Jennifer Garner and Violet visited the CVS pharmacy in Brentwood and picked up some colorful playthings. Sweet.



  1. Isn’t Violet big enough by now to be walking by herself? Jennifer looks like she could use the arm she’s holding her with to manage her purchases!

  2. There about the cross a busy parking lot. If the kid bolts and JG’s hands are full?…well it could be ugly. Violet is still in that unpredictable stage.
    But hey PP at least JG is holding HER kid?? and doing HER own shopping. YOU GO JG!
    Have you ever seen the palace they live in? Having ‘help’ to do these minor chores could easily be afforded but I see JG with Violet all the time.

  3. I see she bought some colored strap-ons to use on benny.

  4. The following is a strange statement: I think Jennifer Garner was born under a ‘lucky star’. Observing her over the years, things have just seemed to go her way. Such as catching the prize (Ben Affleck) as some would call him a prize. Also, for having a hit TV series. For having several years before divorcing (can’t remember who). And last, for getting Ben to marry her and him apparently becoming a good father. Now she has a starring role on Broadway. AND, lives in a mansion. LUCKEEE.

  5. ……..SWEET?
    With a WHORE as a mother I doubt!!

  6. Kids love those car carts, but they’re a pain to maneuver through the store.
    Oh, and Violet is one adorable little tot. Good job, Jen!

  7. Violet Affleck is an odd souding name.
    Mommy could very well have placed Violet in the shopping cart while wheeling her purchases to her car but then the paps would not get a shot of the world’s most devoted mom holding her daughter in her arms.
    Yes, the child is old enough to walk on her own two feet.

  8. I live in Brentwood and there is no CVS in Brentwood. Maybe she’s in Santa Monica or Westwood.

  9. I think it’s smart that Jennifer is holding Violet, and tightly too. After all, this photo is proof there were photogs around, and with her hands full of all that other stuff, a little girl could easily wander off or get scooped up, god forbid. Jennifer Garner is absolutely doing the right thing by being protective mommy. Look how secure Violet looks. Good parents!

  10. Jennifer Garner is the guiltiest in Hollywood for pimping her child out to the razi. She has no shame in letting them know where she is going to be.

  11. Garner forced Ben into a shotgun wedding which explains why he looks so miserable around her. Ben is hardly a prize an alcoholic gambler with a penchant for strippers. Lopez dodged that bullet and is over the moon now that she married marc a man that adores her.

  12. Ben is ingrained with his love for non-stop gambling and going to strip clubs. Jennifer must have been desperate. All his movies suck in my opinion. I bet she never REALLY trusts him.

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