Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Somebody PLEASE remind Kim and Kourtney Kardashian that they are in New York now and people don’t walk around the city in paper flip flops in November. It’s COLD! And it’s dirty! The Kardashian sisters are accustomed to strolling around Beverly Hills after their mani-pedis, airing out their feet, and it’s just not done in Manhattan. New York girls wait for their nails to dry and put their boots back on.



    That shouldn’t be done ANYwhere… I don’t care where you live. NO ONE wants to see anyone’s ugly ass “post-pedicure-cotton-toe-splinted-flip-floppitty-FEET”!… but the Kardashian family in particular are the very height of GAUCHE, so what else would we expect?

  2. I do not really understand the concept of mani-pedis–I mean, isn’t that a DIY deal at home? Well, at least the sisters are bonding over innocent girlie errors instead of those other major errors they tend to make. Rock on Kardashian confusion; maybe New York will clear their heads. One can hope.

  3. They’re obviously there to share fashion tips with the equally classy gals on Jersey Shore.

  4. The Kardashians walk around to dry their nail polish after a pedicure? That is news. I thought they always had their feet in the air anyway.

  5. What BS, Janet! You’d need to wait HOURS for a pedi to dry enough to put boots back on without ruining it! My East Coast girlfriends do exactly the same thing as these two!

  6. Any Guido thugs reading this?


  7. What most people don’t know about the Kardashians (other than they all have fleas) is that they spend more money on Drano, to unclog their drains than the entire city of San Francisco. Hairy and smelly people

  8. Don’t mean to offend anyone, but I come from a rather conservative background where only whores and tramps were known to paint their toe nails. I am sure there are many who come from very old protestant backgrounds who can identify with what I am saying. I know times have changed, and I am not saying this is my conscious opinion, but something always twangs in the back of my head when painted toenails are mentioned. Same thing with women who drink beer.

  9. Toenails or not…The Kardashians are Whores, Sluts and Bores

  10. Oh for goodness sakes, did I stumble into the stone age here or what? Painted toes makes you a whore? Sadly their other antics make these two whores, but not painted toes.

  11. The next time I’m having a pedicure (every 2 weeks), I’ll raise a toast to SebastianCanada. Is Sam Adams okay with you?

  12. Like you Sebastian, I was raised in town where girls couldn’t wear levi’s until the 1970’s. No gal even worn open toe shoes period. But times have changed and I’m like do what you want just don’t hurt other person. You know that strom is heading his racist body this way, there’s a reason to say black.

  13. Palermo, I said it was not a conscious thing. And, btw, there are still WASPs in Canada, as I am sure there are in the U.S., who think if a woman has pierced ears, it means she has loose morals.

    Denise, LOL!!! Thanks for taking the comment in the spirit in which it was made. I had to expose my inner Church Lady — she is such a bitch.

  14. This is stupid! of course women are going to wear flip flops. It takes about 2hrs or so for a pedicures to dry. Women in nyc do this all the time.

  15. Remember in the late-eighties, with insane paranoia about AIDs, Doc Martins and other heavy-soled shoes became very popular? What happened?

    Sure we now know that AIDs is not hiding in every knook and cranny, but we also are aware of dozens of other potential health threats. Walking around bare-foot, or next to bare-foot, is very dangerous to your health. Perfectly painted toe nails are not worth it.

  16. Obviously getting ready for a night on the town…black men only of course….amazing anyone would watch their show or do anything to add to their fame.

  17. YUCK!!! I usually abstain from criticizing today’s ‘celebrities’ but these Kardashian are making me sick. Dumb, dumb, dumb, classless bimbos!

  18. Yep, dumb, and dumber, and dumber, and dumber…Hey, how many K’s are there anyway?

  19. Monica Lewinsky cape & beret are sold at Dash now ?????? LOL- HOWL……………!!!!!!!!!!

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