
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Is Matthew McConaughey teaching his baby boy Levi to lift weights already? Actually that’s only a baby rattle, but Levi already has the determined look of his dad. He’ll be riding a bike next to his father soon.



  1. Cute baby, cute dog. Glad to see he might be growing up a little, the dad, that is.

  2. …………….LEARNING “FAGGOT-TRICKS”, folks?

  3. Janet Charlton: Unless you put up a site with a subject titled such as….political commentaries…or some title like this, you are going to have political opinions scattered everywhere and not sticking to the pertinent subject.

  4. Obama reads all his great swelling words from a tele-prompter. He has hoodwinked USA and all of Europe, just as the Bible predicted. Jesus predicted a great world-leader (anti-christ) would come up from obscurity and fool the multitudes, bringing in the New World Order, a cashless society, the Mark of the Beast…666….and the Second Coming.

  5. Bumpi, you are an ass of the highest order. I believe it’s probably time for your medication — ask Rush to start sharing with you. Try getting out in the world, you might learn something for yourself.

  6. janet, just wanted to let you know perez hilton(mario whatever) reads your blog.

  7. He looks like Selma’s girl, Valentina. BTW Bumpi, you quote the Bible and are called crazzy. Plz disregard obama’s robots who come to this site too. Did you hear him blaming the US for all the world’s ills in Europe. Nasty man you voted for red. Hollywierd is happy to hear this. We shall hear more from obama, he is just gettin warmed up, and the reds will come out in droves to defend

  8. Even more proof that we are living in the last days, the end times. Only the well-read and discerning can know it.

  9. Look up the word ‘douchebag in Webster’s and it says “Texan half-wit Matthew McConaughey”. Texas brings us all the freaks : Jessica Simpson, the Duff sisters, McConaughey, seril blood doper Lance Armstrong, the Bush Clan, etc.

  10. Levi is one of Hollyweird’s most adorable babies. I’m SO over Suri; let’s see more Shiloh and Levi!
    Bumpi, I hope you’re wrong about Barack Obama. He’s a breath of fresh air after the last 8 years.

  11. Dieter, you only wish you lived in Texas you’re probably stuck somewhere in Alaska, stop being jealous of people that have alot more money than you and probably better looks.

  12. Thank you. At the risk of sounding like bragging and at the risk of getting put-down from godless ones reading this, I can tell you I have put in countless hours studying the end times, the Anti-Christ, the New World Order, etc. First of all, I agree that Bush and Company were bad and worse than bad. Having
    said that, a quick rundown of what Matthew chapt 6 says about end times: Wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, strange weather patterns, increased crime, economic woes, AIDS, new viruses, starvations (Africa), anti-semitism. The Bible predicts a world leader will come on a peace platform (to Israel mostly) with great swelling words deceiving many, and he would come out of obscurity on to the world scene. Google Obama – Anti-Christ. There’s more but I have gone on too long. Thanks.

  13. From me, (Bumpi), OF 10:56 AM. I incorrectly said Matthew chapter 6, IT SHOULD BE MATTHEW CHAPTER 24. To answer Katie’s question of 12:31 PM….In Matthew chapter 24, verse 7, Jesus said there would be …famines, PESTILENCE, and earthquakes in various places. Webster definition of Pestilence is: A deadly epidemic, highly infectuous, easily spread disease, which is, among others, AIDS. Approximately 1/3 of all Africa is infected with AIDS. The Bible does not mention the words AIDS, but this is the definition of the word in Matthew chapter 24, verse 7. Also, in those days there was no such word as billion, because there was not a population of a billion yet. So, the Bible had to say 1000s upon 1000s. In the same way, the word pestilence describes AIDS, and other infectuous diseases rampant now.

  14. BTW, I have a very high I.Q. Also, two B.S. degrees. And that don’t stand for B**l S*it. Sorry if that sounds egotistical.

  15. Bumpi, thanks for replying to me. What you say makes a lot of sense to Christians. You could very well be correct. I’m just glad I’m a Christian! I screw up (especially lately), but my God forgave my past, present, and future sins. What a deal! I may not get the snazziest part of Heaven, but at least I’ll be there and that’s what counts. I’m bummed that Barack Obama could be the anti-Christ, though. I really like him.

  16. Just getting his attention and having the love of his company and just spending time with this man is great and fantastic and family is key and diamond rings is something that last forever but could it be a birth stone instead or a friendship ring and only time will tell.

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