Frankly, we never thought we’d see a truly BAD picture of Pamela Anderson. But here we have it. Is it the goofy outfit? Is it her makeup? The look on her face? The fact that we can’t see her hot body? Probably all of the above. We know she’s much better looking than this. Pam should have this photo erased from the internet.



  1. She looks like she had a rough night. What’s what the marks on her arm?? This photo definitely needed some airbrushing or SOMETHING! I think she is just showing her age.

  2. this is an OLD pic…from before she was married to kid rock. also, she just lost a baby! why are you picking on her?!

  3. Didn’t you see the pic of her on th cover of Star Magazines, “Stars without makeup”? last year. I look at those faces everytime I feel bad about myself. Ew!

  4. this ins’t a “very old pic”, it’s just from this past summer….she is approaching 40…do you really think that the way she “looks” are the other photos? no, this IS how she looks…like someone getting older.

  5. Hey, when all you’re known for is your looks – at some point they start to fade. Just the way life is. She’s a joke, anyway.

  6. You or I could only dream of looking half look half this ugly in a bad picture, Janet.
    Nobody in the universe looks good in every single pic. Bad angles, harsh lighting, fading makeup all contribute.
    I like you, Janet, because you’re a lot less cruel than Perez tends to be. But posts like this make me think twice.

  7. Check out the video on x17. A girl is telling the story of what finally split Britney and Kevin!

  8. She looked much softer & prettier in the days when she had eyebrows. THey are so thin, they make her look like a hard biker chick…

  9. “She looked much softer & prettier in the days when she had eyebrows. THey are so thin, they make her look like a hard biker chick…”
    BITE ME!!

  10. I think she looks like she smokes crack- whaddayathink?

  11. guess all the CRACK finally got to her…yuck, she is what we would call in high school a “DOG.” And an easy one at that…….are you sure shes not a MAN???

  12. I think she just looks like a natural woman approaching forty. You can tell there is no botox in her forehead because she has expression lines and she looks happy and quite nice. Best pic I have seen of her.

  13. J’aime faire jouir une femme avec des cheveux longs et je suis barbu et sado et porte des bottes de motard. Une femme qui a de l’argent serait appr�ci� et elle serait r�compens� au lit.

  14. overworked,tired,but still looks great,god she puts young girls that are in there teens to shame,people tend to knock her alot,christ she cant have lines we all have them in some part of our face,give her a break

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