Privately, Rod Stewart, 66, is far from thrilled at the news that his daughter Kimberly is expecting Benicio Del Toro’s baby. Kimberly is 31 and has no career, nor does her brother Sean. Rod has eight children and dislikes supporting offspring that are over 21 and not in school. They have no direction in life. “I wish one of them would get a job.” He laments. The fact that Kimberly’s pregnancy is the result of a short meaningless fling also irritates Rod. Thrifty Rod vowed that his eighth baby would be his last, but now he’ll have another mouth to feed.



  1. Sorry Rod, but you can Not re-raise your adult children. You can Not wait until they become 31, and over 21 to teach them about independence. Some where between then and Now, they were encouraged to live a life of privilege and if you have always taken care of them, it is not going to stop Now. With your youngest children with Penny still wearing baby and adolescent designs, your older children will always make sure that their Needs are met along with your youngest crew. Rod recently became acquainted with his 48 year old daughter who was adopted years ago. Because his daughter who was adopted is Now a part of Rod’s life, he might as well face the facts that when he does for one, he will continue to do for all, and it is his fault by allowing his children to be raised as show business brats. At 31 and the gal pal of Oscar Winner (for Traffic) Benicio del Toro the wolf should Never come to the door leaving Kimberly and child homeless, or hungry!!

  2. Rod’s issue is that he is too nice and like a lot of parents these days he didn’t believe in discipline, he wanted to be his kids “friend”. That doesn’t work. If you let your kids do whatever they want they will grow up to be spoiled, selfish and unlovable. AKA Narcissists. What’s even worse is when the kids screw up and you make excuses for them. Lindsay Lohan anyone?

  3. This doesn’t make sense to me. Benicio is a successful actor/producer with a list of awards longer than his arm. Why would Rod have to pay for his child’s upbringing? I don’t think so.

  4. It’s too late to make a 31 year old get a job; and, del Toro looks like a scraggly, dirty, burned out homeless person.

  5. It is NOT too late to make a 31 year old get a job. Just quit supporting them. A 31 year old can get a job, its not like they are 81. Either go to school or get a job. The end.

  6. Why is Rod all up in her in bush, she’s 31 not 21! It’s not like he’s a bumb, he spanish, accomplish, and has money. When cleaned up he’s cute. Good for kim if she doesn’t work. She is not on drugs or a acting up like the other real loser startlets. Does Penny work?

  7. Maybe that’s why she got knocked up; that is, maybe she checked out Benicio and sees he can well afford to support her and the kid. He will probably insist on a DNA to make sure he’s the pappy and then she will have a monthly amount. Rod will help out, too regardless of what he says. The only prob is when you spit out a kid without the…..”First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby carriage”……there will always be future probs.

  8. If appearances mean anything, by all indications,the above photo of Benicio look like a promo for his film “The Wolfman”. This might also be the photo that Rod has seen. It would have to be a scary situation if Rod thought this is the face that will be looking into the eyes of his grandchild.
    No word from Alana (Kimberly’s Mom) yet,but if her surprise is any greater than Rod’s, this is a classic case of the fact that you Never know who your (adult) children are hanging out with, and if there is a lesson to be learned by Kimberly,if you can Not take him home to meet the family, don’t surprise your family with impending motherhood with someone that they can Not easily accept as a potential inlaw. Hopefully, in the next few months, there will be some open communications, and Rod can look forward to becoming a grandfather knowing that Benicio and Kimberly have all the intentions of becoming responsible parents to his grandchild. PEACE!!

  9. Ladies and Gentlemen: I must adjourn now to attend services at a southern Baptist Church. Looking forward to reading all your comments for today. 10-4, over and out.

  10. “She is not on drugs or a acting up like the other real loser startlets”?!? Well, maybe not, but I wouldn’t bet on it based on this recent life choice.

  11. So Janet, you read the article in Daily Mail and decided to publish a summary of it here?! I thought you are just a wee bit better..

  12. My take on the sitch is…if she can’t look after herself at this age, then good luck looking after a kid!!

     Rod older children seem to be confusing their father’s Love with his generosity. He must have showed his Love for them while they were growing up by buying them things and spoiling them Rotten. Therefore totally all his fault the way they turned out. It is up to him to fix it. IMO. 

    It is actually very sad. I watched the Celebrity Rehab with Sean Stewart, I felt sorry for this guy. He seemed as if he felt lost and unloved. (I know Boohoo) His father did not even show up to support him.  He seemed like his emotional wellbeing was somehow stunted and he was stuck in adolescence. The only thing that will help this family is counseling and I 
    don’t think Rod is emotionally available to do this for them. So the dysfunction continues…….

  13. This is what comes from having an immature Dad who was more interested in constantly changing partners than being a father. Sounds like nobody in that family ever grew up. I’m surprised that Benicio would have any interest in this bimbo, but like most men, the little head ruled the bigger one. There’s no reason on earth to be supporting these adults, stop the checks Rod.

  14. If he dislikes supporting his children, the cheap bastard should get a vasectomy and spare the world any more of his useless offspring. Maybe the doctor can throw one in when Rod gets his next facelift.

  15. Agree with Muffin, Palermo and Seriously,

    The dysfunction started with a skirt chasing, absent father who was throwing money on the kids instead of attention. They have learned to come to him for some love while asking for a buck. He was feeling good for ‘helping’… after all this years of not being home it made him feel like a hero and at the same time he himself was enabling them to grow dependent.

  16. We hope he puts her on the street to face her problem but unfortunately Rod has many skeletons in his closet….he is widely known as a major cocksucker and maybe is afraid it will come out in the press in a big way if he doesnt keep peace in the family.

  17. I have this strange vision in my brain of these two hooking up. It was probably a last call for alcohol…she didn’t know who she was gonna ride home….he thought after those last 7 shots she sure got purdy…..then they dirtied up the backseat of his car (or somebody’s) and passed out. He woke up the next morning with bad breathe, aching to pee and slowly places his underwear back on her face and slips away.

  18. Benecio Del Toro has lost his looks. His looks never recovered from the serious poundage he gained for his role in “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”.

    having said that, he is still the more attractive of the two (KS). he has demonstrated to have terrible taste in women and this is indeed an odd pairing.

    as for kimberly stewart not working, that just silliness.

    a young thin, blonde woman with her pedigree ( daughter of a major rock star) can seriously pursue a career in “marketing” and earn a substantial income.

    she and her sibling should have at LEAST pursued a college education!

  19. rod, can give them to the end of summer to get a full time job. he has the connections to get his spawns employment.

  20. after the summer, tell the accountant to stop the checks.

  21. Sorry to say, but I bet if this pregnancy happened with a no name she just happened to hook up with, the baby would never be.

    Isn’t she one of those useless “socialites” or celebuspawn or whatever they call them? Rod needs to stop supporting her sorry ass and she needs to grow up at the very least, for her baby’s sake.

  22. Im sure Rod isnt pleased but I highy doubt money is the issue. He is an extremely wealthy man who was never around much for his first 2 kids (Kim & Sean). It doesnt cost him much to let them live at any of his homes around the world. I also doubt they have unlimited $$$ at their disposal to spend. Its just sad Kimberly and Sean have no passions in life and just exist and chase fame…


  24. Benicio must have had some excess income he wanted to part with. Done!

    (And yes, his former good looks have gone with the wind.)

  25. Oh, and Strom—we’d forgotten all about Rod’s infamous stomach-pumping from back in the day, until your friendly public service reminder. 🙂

  26. Bottomline: Rod Stewart and his (ex) wives/girlfriends never heard of contraception. Theres no other explanation for the mess he’s into. Nor did his daughter, Kimberly, unfortunately. Tragic… And whats with Del Toro having a child with Kimberly? Is he gay and she was the most suitable beard or what? In their words, they arent a couple but theyre having a baby. Logic fails me here, sorry…

  27. Benny never had any looks to begin with….that is one super FUGLY mofo. He doesnt even look human there.

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