polanski460[1]“Rosemary’s Baby” as much as anyone, but that doesn’t affect our judgment of director Roman Polanski’s rape of a 13 year old girl. Reading the details of the revolting crime simply make it impossible to excuse – even if more than thirty years have passed. The fact that some of his Hollywood friends would choose to support Polanski’s actions is almost as shocking as the illegal act itself. Forgive and forget? Should we forgive Phillip Garrido also because Jaycee didn’t actually “complain” about being kidnapped – and it happened 18 years ago! Maybe if Garrido were a successful Hollywood director, his friends would have petitioned for his freedom too! That same sense of entitlement allowed the Catholic church to get away with abusing children for many years.



  1. Janet,
    You are bang-on right on this. Hollywood is trying to create his own elite above the law system. Once you’re famous, you are above the law.
    I wish this creepy perv Polanski was put behind the bars PRONTO. Kudos to Americans for finally catching his ass.

  2. Only a TEENY bit off topic: Regarding what Janet said about Catholic church priests abusing kids. I go to the largest Southern Baptist Church in the entire Mid-South. The 22 years old son of one of the pastors there told the main pastor that his father had abused him for 3 years from age 14 thru 17. The main pastor contacted the abusor pedophile pastor and he admitted that he had in fact abused his son for 3 years. Then the main pastor kept this secret for 7 months. He tried his best to keep it quiet and the pedophile pastor was allowed to remain on his job and be around kids. When this leaked out, it was in our local paper and all over the internet. Guess what. The preacher that had tried to protect the pedophile is still there and makes $600,000 per year and steals from the church every chance he gets. There is corruption everywhere.

  3. Spot on! I’m disgusted by the Follywood peeps signing a petition to save this pervert from prosecution! They’ll get no more of my money.

    Put this man on trial! Just as he would have been 30 years ago if he didn’t run to another country to escape justice.

    Funny that Woody Allen is one of his defenders. A man that slept with his adopted daughter. Freak.

  4. Janet — Thank you so very much for speaking out about this! I wonder if Woody Allen finds this a tad, oh… IRONIC that he should add his name to the Polanski support team. And Whoopi Goldberg should be ashamed of herself!
    Whoopi — where is your head!!!??? You have a daughter and granddaughters! Did you not read the testimony of this girl… who was crying and kept asking to go home, please let me go home now?! I don’t think ANY of these celebs have read the original testimony.

  5. You are soo right Janet. How about those Nazi’s who committed war crimes against the Jews during the Holocaust? Today, they are still being arrested to stand trial. I believe the law should be enforced, doesn’t matter how long ago the crime was committed.

    Another thing, Polanski told our legal system to F-Off and left the country. He should stand trial.

    Debra Winger and the rest of her Hollywood Morons can go to hell for standing up and supporting this piece of scubbag, just because he is a famous “respected” film
    director. Oh plez…

  6. The word is Woody Allen….both have in common a quest for the young girls.

    Gary Glitter got locked up in Vietnam for less than that.

  7. You are exactly right! Hollywood, as well as athletes think the same rules don’t apply to them because of their talent. That needs to stop, and Roman is a good place to start.

  8. Janet is so right about this. For so many in Hollywood to defend this pervert is nauseating. For Woody Allen to be on Team- Pulanski is enough of a statement.
    The American public has to make a statement also…WITH OUR POCKET BOOKS !!!

  9. Woody gets a boner every time a girl under 14 enters the room!

  10. I agree 100% w/this article.. i had no idea Polanskis friends are ‘supporting his actions’.. that is absolutely disgusting..

  11. ok, when is someone going to say – WHERE was the Mother during all of this?
    WHY did she leave her alone?

    It is as much the mother’s fault as it is Roman’s fault for what he did.

  12. Absolutely spot on ! I got ill watching all of the Hollywood hotshots pleading his case this week.
    He actually sodomized that girl.
    Time to face the music is right- GIVE HIM A CELL NEXT TO PHIL SPECTOR !

  13. New to your site… LUV IT.

    Would anyone be supporting this idiot if he were just a prodution assistant? How about if he were a regular joe the plumber? Why such a difference in judgement? They should all be ashamed of themselves and black listed!

  14. He is not better than anyone else.

    Talent is not above the law.

    Was that girl the first? Or the first who complained?

  15. Rape is rape and sodomy of a 13 year old is ILLEGAL! HE ADMITTED he di it. He should PAY for the crime and have time added for running from the law for 30 years, stick Woody in there with him for what he’s done to those girls of Mia’s!!!

  16. What the h*ll does the Catholic Church have to do with this? Why bring it up? Stop bashing an entire group of people who had NOTHING to do with this. Janet, you are an a**shole

  17. Where was the mother? She asked Poplanski to accompany her daughter but he told her to stay home because she would “inhibit” her daughter during the photography session. Well, let’s all blame the mother for Polanski’s crime. You know, the one he pled guilty to in exchange for dropping several charges. And when is he going to pay the money he owes this poor woman–the money won in a civil suit. You can’t blame her for not wanting her name dragged into the mud again–that’s why she wants it dismissed. But our judicial system is not based on letting the victim decide the punishment.

  18. The victim herself wants the charges DISMISSED, so get over yourselves!

  19. Janet,
    Your ignorance is showing. You of all people should know better than to generalize. If a number of people are evil does that make all humans evil or are you not of the same race as Hitler? A number of priests abuse children and it’s the catholic chruch. That being the case, you should be tarred with the same brush as Hiler and Idi Amin.

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