All this week people have been lamenting the loss of Alexis Arquette, reminiscing about what an exceptional person he was, and it rubbed us the wrong way. He was not particularly nice – especially when he was dressed as a female. Lipstick was his license to be rude and loud and overbearing. Before he died he was thinking about writing a book “outing” everyone gay who was still closeted in Hollywood. At least celebrities he ASSUMED were gay! Early in his cross-dressing days, he was fervently selling stories about his famous family to the tabloids – and he didn’t hold back. No matter how he behaved, his family members were still supportive, and he was very lucky to have them.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News


15 thoughts on “SPEAKING ILL OF THE DEAD

  1. Funny how we are expected to tolerate abuse if the abuser is gay or transgendered.

  2. Transgenderism is not real, it’s narcissism and mental illness disguised as a gender problem. Some really effeminate gay men love to play dress up because they love the societal advantages of effecting a female appearance. Others have body dysmorphic disorder caused by some past trauma in their childhood. It is not normal and we should not be expected to cater to it. I don’t approve of harassing them or anything like that but they shouldn’t be allowed to harass us either by forcing themselves into our private spaces. Sorry, I am not showering with a man.

  3. Another mentally confused person, first a man, then a woman, then a man again. I said the same when Bruce turned into a “woman”, it’s a physical solution to a mental problem, and they are rarely happy afterwards.

  4. This article is deplorable and I’m very ashamed of Janet Charlton for posting this, moreover the negative comments from readers regarding Alexis’s death. It is tragic, and having met HER personally was fantastic. She was was warm and funny. Shame on all you transphobes.

  5. This article is deplorable and I’m very ashamed of Janet Charlton for posting this, especially since I’ve followed Janet almost 30 years. Moreover the negative comments from readers regarding Alexis’s death are awful and it promotes hatred. It is tragic, and having HER as a male then female personally was fantastic. She was was warm and funny. Shame on all of you transphobes. I myself am completely male but wish no ill will on others who differ from me.

  6. I knew Alexis. She/He was annoying and obnoxious. But what’s more annoying and obnoxious are the naive and ignorant people who are commenting in tjis thread.

  7. Immorality will make you unforgettable. RIP while blogger tries to profit

  8. A John’s Hopkins doctor whose job it was to perform trans surgery declared it a mental disorder so I guess he’s “ignorant” too? You can’t change sexes, it’s that simple. Furthermore, what if someone decided to declare that they identify as a Dog? Are we actually supposed to treat them like a dog? Are we caninephobes if we don’t?

  9. I remember Alexis from clubbing in west Hollywood in the 90s- early 2000’s, it always struck me how lonely he seemed. It tried to take my friend home one night, I’m so glad I didn’t let him go with him, especially now that we know Alexis had AIDS.

  10. thank you george & jake……how many obnoxious and annoying CIS humans are there up in our face? uhhhh.
    1. the donald…. (not to be political but just the 1st shit show train wreck i thought of)…..

    btw many people knew for years )”now we know”( person, his physical conditions…. I put AIDS and CANCER at the top of the list of completely CURABLE diseases a shit ton of money has been donated and poured into THAT NEVER GET CURED because big pharma would lose money….

    anyway rest in peace and with the angels and condolences to the Arquette family for suffering this loss….. in only wish he had had time to publish that book! but, not needed really, most people know who the whos are and what the what is anyway.

  11. To face the Grim Reaper is always a sad time.

    But, as to the Arquettes, they are all very very very nutty, and so very strange.

  12. Back to my original comment, “Funny how we are expected to tolerate abuse if the abuser is gay or transgendered.”

    Exactly how my comment qualifies me as “transphobic” or other phobic escapes me. I (and anyone else) should be able to criticize or dislike repugnant behavior without being called a bigot.

  13. I’m really surprised a moderator doesn’t weed out all the trolling on this site. It could be a fun blog but it’s not.

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