pariscut.jpgWe are quite surprised to hear that Paris Hilton’s jailers haven’t figure out that she is NOT taking the drug Adderall because she actually has ADD (attention deficit disorder.) Are they the only people who don’t know that every thin actress in this town gulps Adderall by the handful because it has a great side effect – it makes them lose weight! It’s the hottest new DIET PILL on the market! Hello! Every $10,000 handbag you see on the arm of a skinny celebrity contains Adderall and cigarettes. Think about it. Paris’s costar and best friend Nicole Ritchie also pretends to have ADD and takes the drug. It’s not illegal if you convince your doctor you have ADD – and that’s not hard to do. Amazing how the police are the last to know.



  1. And allows you to eat junkfood & not exercise, aka Paris & Nicole..

  2. It makes you feel like you’re on craCk. aka. crystal meth. = if you don’t have ADD. Will calm you down in you really DO have ADD though.
    For alot of guys, they can’t produce an erection even with oral stimulation while on Adderall…anyways…probably one of the most abused pers.drug for the 16-35 crowd

  3. Further proof–as if we needed it–that Paris is a mindnumbingly illiterate media whore.

  4. you are so correct, I am a nurse but I see premed allready confirmed it here. I guess Paris did freak out in jail, without her ADDERALL, probably from WITHDRAWAL

  5. you are so correct, I am a nurse but I see premed allready confirmed it here. I guess Paris did freak out in jail, without her ADDERALL, probably from WITHDRAWAL

  6. Now we know why she was transferred to the medical ward. I’m sure they let her take Adderall there.

  7. The Sheriff doesn’t want to know. He’s to busy kissing the buttocks of celebrities.
    And I wish the media would stop saying she is being treated unfairly for an suspended license. That’s is not what place her in jail…it was a parole violation that did it and her not complying with all the terms of her probation.
    If people can be sent to prison for a parole violation everyday then Paris can be sent to Jail and you know she is doing prime time in Jail since she in in the medial ward instead of sharing a cell.
    This sucks!!!!! RECALL SHERIFF BACA1111111

  8. It is PROBATION violation, you idiot, not a parole violation. A parole violation will RETURN you to prison. A PROBATION violation will not. A PROBATION violation for a violation such as Paris’ will normally get a person 5 days of community service. However, Judge Sauer is not known as a very bright judge and was just trying to assert some power. His actions simply show his incompetence.

  9. Janet, post a recent photo of yourself, not one that is 25 years old, YOU COW. And wipe that STUPID look off your AGED VALLEY GIRL FACE

  10. I would say that Judge Sauer is very competent at least he’s one man that doesn’t think with his penis.

  11. The only reason Paris dropped her appeal is because she realized she had no choice. All her attorneys efforts weren’t going to help. I just love the way she said she dropped it because of all the young girls who look up to her. Yeah right. She doesn’t give a sh.. about how she influences young girls. Otherwise she wouldn’t be such a useless materialistic,hedonistic skank.

  12. I knew she was taking it to stay thin the minute I heard it. Lovely, now all the dumb dumbs are going to try to get it too.

  13. Hahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahhahhahhahahahhahahahahhahhahaha
    I loves it!

  14. Janet, don’t listen to that disgruntled nobody 9:27 a.m.
    You’re beautiful at any age.

  15. Also the reason paris dropped her appeal is that if she went before Judge Sauer and he denied the appeal, she could have gotten the full sentence which was 90 days.Her lawyers smartly told her to suck it up and get it over with, we will get you admitted to the jail hospital and since you did an ok job of acting nuts we will get you sedated. You’ll wake up in a couple of weeks and it’ll be over. Slut


  17. paris is preparing for her upcoming lawsuit y’all … making herself seem “mental” now will make it easier to skate on the case in august

  18. Right now!
    Right this second!!
    Paris is suffering!!!
    How can you function?!!

  19. Wow. Now you’ll have a lot more young girls getting that drug. WTG!!!

  20. Yeh don’t bash my JCha!!! She’s been slinging dish for over 3 decades she was the ONLY thing interesting in The Star now I don’t buy it.
    OF COURSE Paris is a tweaker like, duh!

  21. Image what Paris Hilton would look like – grossly over weight.
    Short and dumpy looking, like 3/4 of Americans.
    Wonder if they can put that stuff in the water system.

  22. i thought that paris was suffering from RVS, restless vagina syndrome.

  23. theres nothing new about hollywood drugs and sex…the new thing is the cell phone with video connected directly to the internet where everybody sees everything instantly.
    im sure the older set is thanking jeezus that the cell phone camera hadn’t been invented when they were out doing stupid $hit. now everything is a freaking reality show with people who walk around wishing they were somebody else rehearsing somebody elses thoughts and lines. empty.

  24. Why couldn’t she really have ADHD? The fact that she was diagnosed with it as a child makes it look credible. A child normally doesn’t want to lose weight.

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